Ministerial Team

Rev Sam Torrens is the Interim Moderator at Palmerston Place Church.

Rev Douglas Reid is our Associate Minister. Douglas supports the team writing the Mission Plan for the next stage of our journey. Douglas also conducts worship and provides pastoral care.

In December 2022 we were joined by Lisa Clark, our new Ministerial Assistant. Lisa is heavily involved in all aspects of Church life at PPC.

Previously the Minister at PPC was the Very Rev Colin A M Sinclair who served from 1996 to 2022. Colin began his relationship with Palmerston Place Church as an Assistant Minister before moving to Newton on Ayr Parish Church in the 1980s. He was General Director of Scripture Union Scotland from 1988 to 1996 before returning to Palmerston Place, where he leads the congregation in worship and teaching. Colin is also a former convenor of the Mission and Discipleship Council of the Church of Scotland. Colin served as the the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2019/20 (former Moderators assume the title of Very Rev) and he returned to PPC in July 2020 for a further two years before he retired.