
All are welcome at Palmerston Place Church.

Our Sunday morning service is at 10.30am and takes place in our beautiful Sanctuary space, in-person at 12 Palmerston Place and also via Zoom. (On Sunday 18th February 2024 we have a combined service with our friends at Gorgie Church, 190 Gorgie Road, at 11am.)

For Zoom, our Virtual doors open’ at 10.20am for an 10.30am start. You can join us using the following link/details ; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/97104674565?pwd=blVodW1tbE50QXdIdnpHa2V2Z3R3QT09 Meeting ID: 971 0467 4565 and Passcode: 272922

Our Sunday evening service is at 7pm and takes place in our beautiful Sanctuary space, in-person only. The evening service does not take place in July and August.

We want you to feel very welcome when you come to PPC.  Services are made up of various parts so here is a bit more information about what you can expect at a service.

One of our welcome team will greet you at the door and hand you an order of service which will tell you what is going on during the service (with details of hymns and readings) and also have notices printed of any future events. Words for the hymns/songs to be sung are projected onto screens but a paper booklet with the words is available if you would prefer.

If this is your first time at Palmerston Place you may be asked to sign the visitors’ book. This is purely so that we can welcome you specifically at the start of the service – don’t worry we won’t use your name or embarrass you! But if you’re from abroad we may mention this.

We sing hymns and also more modern songs as a way to worship God. This just means it’s a way of showing our thanks to him and expressing how we feel. The words for the songs will be projected on our two screens but are also available in either the books at your seat or on an order of service sheet. Most Sundays the organ and piano are used and twice a month there is a praise band with a variety of instruments.

Prayer is when we talk to God and a vital part of our church service. At different times in the service we will pray for different areas including prayer for ourselves, for our community and for the wider world. Prayer is normally led by the minister with the congregation saying Amen at the end to indicate it agrees with what has been said.


Each service generally has a talk (also known as a sermon) where a church leader will teach from a specific passage of the bible that will have been read earlier in the service. This talk helps us to understand the bible and to learn how to apply it to our lives.

Church Flowers

Each week an arrangement of fresh flowers is placed in the sanctuary. At the end of the morning service the flowers are dismantled, re-arranged in bunches and delivered to members of the congregation who are ill, housebound or bereaved, or whom we wish to remember for some other reason, e.g. a special anniversary.

Children are very welcome at Palmerston Place and there are a variety of activities for them to take part in during the morning service. Of course if want to keep your children with you then you are welcome to do that too although you might find they have more fun joining the Sunday groups appropriate to their age.

There is no formal uplift of an offering. For those who wish to give, offering plates are located in the vestibule before and after the service. This is a chance for regular members of the church to contribute to the church and the various initiatives and missionaries that it supports. Please don’t feel obliged to give if you are just visiting. If you wish to know more about regular giving, please contact our Treasurer – treasuer@palmerstonplacechurch.com

Tea & Coffee
After the service we serve tea and coffee in the church and this is a great chance to get to know each other and catch up. Please do stay on after the service if you come to visit.